Friday 25 October 2013

Vietnam Part 2 - Halong Bay

The last leg of our journey in Vietnam was a cruise at Halong Bay.  It was also a chance to relax after our efforts in Sapa.  It wasn't a long drive in terms of distance from Hanoi but the roads were busy and in various states of disrepair so it took a while.

View of the 'Treasure Junk' from our transport launch.
From the top deck.

Keen to get cruising

Heading towards the islands

Off for an evening kayak

Sunset kayaking

Sunset kayaking
  Life on the boat wasn't too strenuous, sleep, eat, read, go for a kayak, eat, swim and repeat.  We only had a couple of nights but it was rather nice.  On day 2, we were transferred to another boat for the day while the Treasure Junk went back to base to drop off the one night stayers and pick up another lot.  We found some better caves to kayak through and a great spot for swimming.

Heading off on day 2.

Much clearer day, better for photos.

Kayaking day 2.

One of the passes on day 2.  

Our American friends heading through the cave.

Was much better swimming on day 2, no current.  And a bigger boat to jump off.

 On our third and final day we did a trip around a floating fishing village.  Some of these residents will only set foot on land a few times in their lives.

Floating village

Being ferried around the village


Curious resident

Town hall

Gateway to the village


Oyster and pearl.  The smaller, whiter ball is what they implant the oyster with and hope that it will turn into a pearl.
After a the slow ride back to Hanoi, we had one more night in our hotel before heading back to the airport to catch our flight to Luang Prabang, Laos.

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