Tuesday 24 February 2009

Welcome to 'Strayer

Well, we have been in Melbourne almost 2 weeks now. Kelley has managed to get a temp job for 3 weeks which starts on Monday. We have had no trouble filling in time, the local library has been getting a workout, so has the computer and some of the pavements around our house are taking a pounding.

It has been hot, ranging between 25 - 32 degrees, forecast for 38 degrees on Friday. Everything is very brown and sometimes smoke haze settles from the bush fires but no where near to the extent that I thought it would.

We are living about a 35min train ride north of the CBD in the most basic accommodation you have ever seen but it was so cheap and easy we couldn't turn it down. Our landlord is a Chinese woman who thinks we are her new best friends and a new housemate has arrived, an Indian guy who is absolutely impossible to understand.

We haven't done much looking around but we did stumble on a large sports stadium (some of you may recognise it) the first Sunday we were here, there was cricket on, Victoria vs NSW and at $5 to get in, who could resist.

MCG, not exactly a full house....

But why not, what a perfect day for it.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Crank up and the start of my 30th year

The last weekend of January neatly coincide with a school reunion for Dad, Crank up weekend in Edendale and my birthday so south was the most logical place to be.

The weather wasn't great for Crank up but we went along for a look at all the old tractors.

Traction engine

Parade on the streets of Edendale on Friday night

Stunt biker

Sunday was a very windy day and we went for a drive to Maple Glen, a huge garden.

We carried on to Fortrose, on the coast and nearly got blown off the face of the planet.

A couple of fishermen braving the wind

Rough seas

On the way home we stopped in Mosgiel for fish and chips, great birthday tea.